How Much Does A Lemon Law Attorney Cost?
The first question that everyone thinks of is, do we really need to hire a lemon law lawyer ? Most people avoid hiring a lawyer as they think, it would cost them a lot. But this is not true. Just think, after making all the efforts to purchase your dream car, don’t you think, it is frustrating if the car is defective? If you can invest that much, then why not protect your rights? This article will help you know the average cost of a lemon law attorney and much more information that might be useful for you. Can you afford a lemon law lawyer? Obviously Yes! You know what? Under Lemon law, 34,397 cases have been filled since 2018, representing 0.45% of vehicles sold were defective. A lawyer often charges between $400 and $600 per hour , depending on the intricacy of the case and the time required to finish it. Although it also depends on the lawyer. If the lawyer is highly known and reputed, it can cost your pocket. Here at Sage Law Group, they offer valid and le...